
I'm Simon and I help web developers build awesome mobile apps!

Build a Meeting App with Video, Audio and Chat πŸŽ‰

Published 5 months agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read

Hey Reader,

I always wanted to build a video call experience, and this week I've finally done it - and you can do it with the new tutorial as well!

This tutorial is sponsored by Stream, which offers a new SDK for Video and Audio that makes all of it possibleπŸ‘‡


The SDK provides pre-built UI components to quickly build powerful app experiences, but you can customize all of it easily.

Black Week

It's the special time of the year when you can invest in your skills for the next year already!

At my online schools, you can save 40% on annual subscriptions, no matter if you favorite Ionic or React Native.

πŸ‘‰ Get 40% off Ionic Academy (Ionic)
Learn to build cross-platform apps with Ionic and Capacitor for 100% shared code!

πŸ‘‰ Get 40% off (React Native)
Join the only React Native focused learning platform and become a stellar dev!

The 40% discount is valid through Cyber Monday.

Count down to 2023-11-28T11:00:00.000Z​


​Build a Live Meeting React Native App with Stream Video Call & Chat Integration​

Let's build an epic live meeting app like Google Meet with Stream and their new Video and Audio SDK for React Native. Additionally, we will add a Chat and build our own little API with Node!

​Watch the video on YouTube now or check out the tutorial on Galaxies!

​React Native + Next.js with Fernando Rojo​

This week I talked with Fernando Rojo, creator of successful packages like solito, moti or dripsy. We dive into building cross-platform apps with React Native and Next.js, how solito unifies routing in mono repositories, and what the future of universal apps looks like

​Listen to the episode on your favorite player or watch our interview on YouTube - and don't forget to subscribe!

πŸ”΄ Building Universal React Native Apps (Expo Router, Tamagui, Tanstack Query)​

I'm doing a Black Friday special stream! Let's build an epic universal React Native app for mobile and web with file-based routing and movie data from the movie database API.

​Click "Notify me" on the live stream page to avoid missing it!

πŸ‘‹ Your Turn

That's a wrap - if you enjoyed the newsletter and want to give back, support me on, and please share it with your friends so they can build better apps as well.

Happy Coding,

I'm Simon and I help web developers build awesome mobile apps!

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