Future of Coding & Meme Creator Tutorial 🎉

Hey Reader,

this is the Devdactic newsletter that feels like the automatic insertion of semicolons everywhere once you hit save.

Viteconf did have some great moments and a talk about something new called Codeflow really caught my attention, but let's talk about the new stuff first ✌️

🎉 New

Build a React Native Meme Creator with API Calls and Nativebase UI for iOS & Android

I finally tried React Native and built a similar Meme creator app to what I did 2 weeks ago with Capacitor - it's another massive guide and a great place to start if you just want to test the React Native waters!

🧠 Brainfood

This completely changes your DEVELOPER workflow 😱

Stackblitz announced a new tool called Codeflow during the Viteconf, and you can see my reaction to testing Codeflow first time.

It allows you to easily create pull requests or test PRs of other people right inside your browser, and even use VSC as a PWA that feels 99% like your local VSC editor.

To me this is mind blowing and I'm excited to see where Stackblitz is heading in the future!

Is Bun the future?

I've recently told you about Bun, and turns out that a new version was released that shows the performance difference for HTTP requests between Bun and other runtimes.

It's not like you have to switch everything you do to Bun right now, but I feel we should all keep an eye on this 👀

🤓 Interesting

👉 What is PNPM?

You might have come across PNPM in the last time, but do you know what it's about? Check out this great explanation of pnpm to understand the hype about it!

👉 Have you heard of Qwik?

No month without something new in the JS world - the latest rising star is Qwik which recently hit beta. Qwik comes with a unique approach to loading parts of your page to dramatically improve loading times, and two of the creators were actually previously part of Ionic and Stencil!

👉 Want some Swag and a challenge?

Supabase put out a little challenge where you can win some swag - it's marketing, but I like this challenge aspect to it and it was real fun. There should be more challenges like these!

👋 Your Turn

That's a wrap - if you enjoyed the newsletter and want to help me please share it with your friends who need to stay on top of the web world as well ✌️

Happy Coding,

I'm Simon and I help web developers build awesome mobile apps!

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