Future of Coding & Meme Creator Tutorial 🎉

Hey Reader,

this is the Devdactic newsletter which tastes like your first pumpkin spice latte in fall.

I'm typing the newsletter with a blanket on my legs as I'm going through what feels like the 10th cold of the season already - send some healthy vibes over ✌️

🎉 New

Using Ionic Gestures in a React App

Ionic Gestures are a super interesting topic and usually not used often enough. In my latest quick win I described the usage with React, which actually allows us to use Ionic Gestures in different ways from code and as a component!

🧠 Brainfood

The fragility of web development 🙈

You might have heard that I'm working on a new project (codename Banana) and last week I implemented a bunch of features with webhooks, triggers and cloud functions - which felt amazing!

But how easy can all these systems that we create collapse? I've talked about this in our new podcast episode about web dev so if you want to hear more about my tech stack, tune it!

Firebase++ 🔥

I've been an avid user of Firebase in the past, and with their recent changes that were announced during the Firebase summit it becomes again more appealing to some devs.

There's a great summary video about the new Firebase features on the Fireship channel,

🤓 Interesting

👉 The Web’s Next Transition

Got some time? Read about what Kent C Dodds thinks about the web and where it's heading in this super in-depth long article about the web's next transition!

👉 Do you like Roadmaps?

If you are to dev or want to start in a new field, it's always hard to get an idea of what you need to learn. Found this gem with tons of roadmaps recently and it's all free!

👉 Capacitor 4.4 is out!

Feels like there's a new minor version of Ionic or Capacitor every week lately - this week it's Capacitor 4.4 with some cool changes especially regarding the build command of the CLI.

👋 Your Turn

That's a wrap - if you enjoyed the newsletter and want to help me please share it with your friends who need to stay on top of the web world as well and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel - we are close to 50k ✌️

Happy Coding,

I'm Simon and I help web developers build awesome mobile apps!

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Read more from I'm Simon and I help web developers build awesome mobile apps!

Hey Reader, it's time for another massive clone and this time I built a WhatsApp UI clone with React Native and tons of great features! For this tutorial, I again teamed up with Clerk, probably one of the best ways to add complete user management to your apps. Clerk is not only limited to React but works with various frameworks, so think twice about rolling your own user auth in the future and try Clerk for free instead! 🎉 Build a WhatsApp Clone with React Native (Expo Router, Reanimated,...

Hey Reader, this week I took a closer look at a new library called Unistyles and talked to Kadi Kraman from the Expo company, but first a word from today's sponsor 👇 🌟 Sponsored Your in-app backend just got FREE 🛠️ Glassfy is the ultimate, free SDK for in-app monetization. Effortless integration across React Native and Ionic. Stay ahead with automatic Google Billing upgrades and manage subscriptions with ease. Including real-time analytics and integrations with Segment/Mixpanel.No more...

Hey Reader, it's the start of the year, so we are all looking for our annual tech stack 😍 I got you covered with an in-depth look at React Native and a new podcast with Supabase, but first a word from today's sponsor 👇 🌟 Sponsored Your in-app backend just got FREE 🛠️ Glassfy is the ultimate, free SDK for in-app monetization. Effortless integration across React Native and Ionic. Stay ahead with automatic Google Billing upgrades and manage subscriptions with ease. Including real-time analytics...