Ionic v7.0 BETA & Ionic Beginners Guide 🐣

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Ionic React Beginners Guide | Navigation, Components & HTTP Calls 🔥

For some time I've been playing around with React now and I felt like learning React through Ionic was quite easy - so this beginners guide covers a lot of basic things about React and how to use it with Ionic!

🧠 Brainfood

Ionic 7 BETA released 🎉

Last week Ionic released the Ionic v7 beta version with some great improvements for developers!

TL;DR: Inline components for all overlays, simplified ion-input syntax, removal of ion-slides and ion-virtual-scroll.

If you want a quick overview about all the changes, I made a video about the updates and a "hidden" feature called base components.

Why React isn't dying 🧐

Catchy headline but not my words - this article has some interesting points why React is still going strong after years.

There are some fancy new frameworks out there which seem to get all the hype, but in the real world React dominates (although Angular might catch up!) because of the ecosystem, and because new developers are currently likely to pick React because of the ecosystem, because..

You see, it's like a self fulfilling prophecy and will continue like this until a groundbreaking new framework pops up - not just an improvement to the current status quo.

🤓 Interesting

👉 Developer Zapier alternative

Ever used Zapier to connect tools? Looks like is the perfect alternative for developers!

👉 Gatsby joining Netlify

While it looks like Vercel is having all the cool frameworks and tools, Netlify just acquired Gatsby, the static site generator for React. Let's see if they can breath fresh air into the project!

👉 Gitmoji

Learn the art of having the right emoji for your commit messages!

👋 Your Turn

That's a wrap - if you enjoyed the newsletter and want to help me please share it with your friends who need to stay on top of the web world as well!

Happy Coding,

I'm Simon and I help web developers build awesome mobile apps!

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Read more from I'm Simon and I help web developers build awesome mobile apps!

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